Transforming the way you
  • Work
  • Play
  • Create
  • Live!


It all started with an inconvinience

In the rise of Work From Home, the quest for the perfect personal setup became not just a trend, but a
lifestyle necessity. Recognizing the struggle of countless individuals spending long hours at their
multifunctional desk spaces, we were inspired to create the One Wire series. Designed for the passionate
yet not necessarily DIY-savvy tech enthusiasts, our plug-and-play solutions transform chaotic work and
play spaces into realms of comfort and efficiency. At Alaric, we're redefining the essence of functional,
aesthetic setups, making your dream space a seamless reality.

OUR mission

To make future, immersive and easy.

"At ALARIC DESIGN, our mission is to empower gamers by providing innovative, space-efficient, and fully
customizable gaming workstations. We strive to transform any home into a world-class gaming
environment, overcoming the challenges of time constraints and expertise. Our goal is to ensure that
every gamer can access and enjoy the ultimate immersive experience with ease and comfort."


For the timeless relationships

At ALARIC DESIGN, we believe that the strength of our innovation is magnified by the power of
community. We are committed to forging strong bonds with gamers, creators, and tech enthusiasts,
recognizing that these relationships are pivotal to both our and their success. Our products—from space-
efficient, customizable gaming workstations to immersive home setups—are designed with your needs
and aspirations at heart. They are not just tools, but partners in your journey towards excellence.

Together, we are more than a community; we are a collaborative force. We listen, adapt, and evolve based
on the feedback and dreams of those we serve.

We invite you to join us in this exciting journey. Together, we will break barriers, set new standards, and
redefine what it means to be part of a truly empowered community. Through shared knowledge and
mutual support, we strive to create not just better products, but a better reality for all our community
members. Your engagement fuels our innovation. Your challenges inspire our solutions. Your dreams shape our
mission. At ALARIC DESIGN, your potential is our purpose. Let’s build the future of gaming and creative
workspaces, together.